We provide a secure and cost effective Microsoft licensing solution
We provide a secure and cost effective Microsoft licensing solution
We provide a secure and cost effective Microsoft licensing solution
Auditproof Licensing is your independent partner When your organization buys or sells redundant Microsoft licences, auditproof licensing is your independent partner. Auditproof, Compliant and Insured, our portal provides; certified resellers and transaction are certified and quaranteed.

Our Services


Buying cheap Microsoft licences is done in a sec. But only when bought or sold according to the righ...



Buying cheap Microsoft licences is done in a sec. But only when bought or sold according t...

Savings Calculator

Curious about the savings potential of your organization? You can calculate your Microsoft saving...

Savings Calculator

Savings Calculator

Curious about the savings potential of your organization? You can calculate your Micros...

Cloud vs Licensing

Save up to 70% on pre-owned Microsoft licenses? You can calculate your saving potential with the sav...

Cloud vs Licensing

Cloud vs Licensing

Save up to 70% on pre-owned Microsoft licenses? You can calculate your saving potential wi...

Request Offer

Organizations (Public and Private) use a wide range of Microsoft Volume licence products.  Our autho

Request Offer

Request Offer

Organizations (Public and Private) use a wide range of Microsoft Volume licence products. 


About Us

Auditproof Licensing is an independent quality register for sellers, buyers and service providers in the European Union. Auditproof Licensing certifies the companies you are buying from and selling to. We give advise and supply competitive offers. We needed we give support during audits, We also work as an independent information point. We continuously monitor the procedures that are carried out. The current state of affairs in the European Union and the European Court is also closely monitored, with the aim of being able to provide members with optimum information and assistance if needed. Can we also be of service to your organization?

Our Team

May I introduce our team to you? My name is Mischa Hulsing and I have been director of Auditproof Licensing since September 2019. We are the European quality brand of second-hand Microsoft licenses. Together we are strong! By bundling the knowledge in our network and the specialists, we have put together a very strong team, with which we can support your organization with advice and action!

Our Mission

The market for second-hand licenses is growing year after year. Institutions, governments, hospitals, multinationals and SMEs are now increasingly aware of the most efficient way to work with Microsoft licenses. It is clear that Microsoft is still leading and many organizations depend on their operating systems and application software. Organizations need software and usage rights (licenses) to work effectively. Many of these organizations are looking for ways to save on IT costs without jeopardizing their compliance. That is exactly what the certified pre-owned license providers in combination with Auditproof Licensing offers!

Our Team

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